What Are The Pros And Cons Of Fracking Essay

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Fracking is hydraulic fracturing which is injecting fluid into cracks in rocks and the earth to force them further open, releasing oil and natural gas. Facking is a very controversial topic. Big business and oil companies like fracking because it allows easier ways to get oil and gas. However, environmentalists and green supporters don’t like fracking because it contributes to climate change, adds harsh chemicals to the ground and destroys land. There are pros and cons to fracking regardless of view point. Fracking should not be used to release oil and natural gas. Fracking causes major problems to the environment and to people.Fracking causes major issues and problems to the environment. For example, fracking chemicals are not regulated, …show more content…

Many people who live near fracking areas are fearful of polluted water, the quality of their land, and the constant noise and light. Fracking wastes tons of water and there are very few restrictions for fracking. In source B, it states that 35 million gallons over water is taken from reservoirs and rivers for fracking mixtures. This could have major effects on the environment; if rivers and reservoirs dry up then there could be droughts and habitats gone. Also, due to the companies not being restricted in sharing there fracking mixture components. Local people and first responders would not know how to help someone if the mixture gets into drinking water as stated in source B. However, fracking and use of natural gas is better and more efficient than coal mines and coal. Natural gas produces less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which is also stated in source B. There’s also enough natural gas in America for America to become independent regarding fuel. In conclusion, I believe fracking to be harmful and causes major problems for residents and the

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