Pros And Cons Of Gambling In Education

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Billions of dollars fund K-12, college and universities of education societal(Valero). Schools in America get funds from the lottery to buy things that are profitable for the school, but some people do not understand is schools do not get a sufficient amount of money. The money that schools receive can not buy new textbooks or computers for the school. How are students supposed to learn when they do not have any new textbooks or computers for the school? How are teachers going to get better pay? While it helps a little with teachers pay raise, gambling for education should not be allowed; it sponsors underage gambling, an insufficient amount of money goes to the school, and it takes money away from the poor. Even though secondary people gamble there are laws in place that say they can not(Steinberg). Gambling as a high schooler can cause the start of a gambling addiction and alcoholism (Steinberg). People who gamble or play the lottery at a young age are bound to get dependent on gambling. When young gamblers grow up they are …show more content…

Poor people gamble more than wealthy or high-class people, therefore, losing more money (William). Poor citizens gamble more because they have hopes of making a quick fortune, therefore they gamble more. Lotteries take from the poor and give money to the middle and upper class (William). Schools that make good grade averages get money from the people who gamble and half the people that gamble is poor citizens. “ All sectors of the society play the lottery, but there is a disproportionate play among poor people(William). All citizens of society play the lottery, but there has been an uneven amount of people who are poor that play the lottery. It is known that poor people play the lottery more than other people. Is playing the lottery really worth it? It is not so important and addicting that individuals can not live without