Gang Formation In Schools

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The facts are that many public and private school youth are involved with gangs at schools. According to the National Gang Center Bulletin 2010, responding to gangs in the school setting between public and private schools a percentage of students say that there are involved with gangs or considered themselves gang members. (Arciage, Sakamoto & Jones, 2010) However, according to the School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey (2007), a percentage of students reported the presence of gangs on their school campus. (Arciage, Sakamoto & Jones, 2010) Therefore, gang members bring their conflicts, attitudes, and behaviors to school; nevertheless, when passing classes, during lunch, around campus, and during assemblies events. Gang-involved youth somehow manage to engage in criminal activity, rival confrontation, delinquency, and violence. “Gang formation appears to be facilitated by social context characterized by broader changes in the economy, poverty, inequality, social disorganization, easy access to drugs, and an absence of well-paying jobs” (Elrod & Ryder, 2014, p. 68). Many gang members have family members who are involved in gang activities, and students have fewer …show more content…

• Collect data on gang-involved incidents that occur in and around the school.
• Identify the level and extent of gang involvement in disciplinary problems and must sift through each incident, particularly with the input of school resource officers or security personnel to determine appropriate responses. (Arciage, Sakamoto & Jones, 2010)
• Get everyone involved such as teachers, administrators, counselors, secretaries, cafeteria workers, custodians, athletic staff, and school