Pros And Cons Of Greek Government Spending

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The problem with spending grabbed my attention, I mentioned earlier about how to U.S. spends too much money on different areas in the system especially the military. Here is a great example of how another nation would spend money and which led to a collapse. Greek also spent a lot of money on the military by buying arms from other countries like the U.S. And Germany. I have the impression that Greek wanted to follow the lead of the U.S. economy, because the U.S. does the same thing with the spending budget. I believe Greek had the impression if they had a more powerful military, then would make Greek a powerful government. However that failed and Greek suffered from the spending consequences.
In addition, Greece spent money thinking that would …show more content…

has some of these problem that occurred in Greece. As mentioned earlier the country is in debt with 18.2 trillion dollars in debt, and recently legislators have had problems deciding on a spending budget. Somehow the country has not collapsed the reasoning is that the government keeps raising spending budgets and therefore the government has permission to spend more money. I don’t think this what the government should be doing when there is a debt that continues to grow. The U.S. should be less concerned on spending and more concerned on creating a surplus, which is a solution to pay off the debt. This solution is something hard because legislators love spending money and whenever there is a surplus, instead of paying off debt the government …show more content…

The surplus that was there should have been spent on paying off the debt. In current politics it seems impossible on how the government would be able to create surplus. If government officials keep having polarized behaviors in meeting, which every time seems to frustrating get worse the government has no hope to fix the economy because a hard hit like this would hurt the U.S. economy which would lead to the end of presidential democracy and the start of radical government. One can actually see these events happening with the presidential candidates. Donald Trump is a great example, his radical and extremist ideas are getting popular throughout the country. Trump is not a politician he is a business man who has been successful in the business world. Most of his supporters believe in him because of what he has accomplished. The reason why Trump has so much popularity and support is because his followers are tired of government officials not making a positive impact. Supporters of Trump which is a great amount in the U.S. believe that someone radical like trump will fix these issues. Something I see that is very interesting is that the way that Trump is accepted in society as a presidential candidate. By seeing his supporters, one can see that way that the U.S. is not staying as a presidential democracy but more of a new type of government. Trumps