Donald Trump Persuasive Essay

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I believe Donald Trump does not have the right mindset to be the president of the United states. Many people are with him or against him. Trump claims he is going to make “ America Great Again”, the question is how? He does not explain how he is going to make it better for us, he avoids those questions. No one really knows if he is part of any political party. Trump is explaining how he wants to deport all Mexican immigrants even if they are citizens now. Why would anyone want a president like that who is cruel to Hispanics? He wants to build a larger border so they will no longer be able to come over here. Why ? not all Hispanics are bad. They all immigrate over here to the U.S to get a better life for them and their family. He is against immigration and does not like Hispanics, yet he is an immigrant …show more content…

In my opinion, this is not possible because most of the population is now Hispanics, which means Trump is going to have difficulties becoming president. Some people may say he will be a great president because of all the changes he is planning to make. How do we as the people know that these changes will be good or bad? Will they affect us in the future? There is nothing to give us the answers because he does not talk about it. Donald Trump is well known for his wealth, but can he really “buy” the happiness of the U.S and stop all the bad things that are going on with all his money? That is not possible. We as the United States of America deserve a president who actually cares for the nation and is going to at least try to provide us to be safe. Although, others may think otherwise. Of course not everyone is going to agree that Trump will be a bad president. People who accept him and want him to be president may say that he is the best thing that has happened to America. Many say that he is going to do amazing things in America, but like what? What will he do to make it great again? Take away food stamps? Kick out all Hispanics? Raise