Herndon, L. (2013). Why is Racial Injustice Still Permitted in the United States?: An
International Human Rights Perspective on the United States' Inadequate Compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination. Wisconsin International Law Journal, 31(2), 322-351.
Lisa Herndon explained that racial discrimination along with racism have made presence in people’s lives since old times. She introduced to the audience some facts that formed the history of the United States. For instance; the existence of the segregation, which back then, separated African-american from the white people. During this time, African-american were treated unfair compared with the white people, because they did not have
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This woman grew when segregation existed in this country, however; she just lived the during the last years of it. During this time, the people from her community had few options in live because of racial discrimination. The only two things African-american women could aspire in that time was to get married of study to be a teacher in a school for children and people from their same community. Bell Hooks’ aspiration was to become a writer but because of her situation and her limited options, she choose to follow the teaching path. The time transcurred and the segregation ended, and during the time she was studying, Bell Hooks had to integrate with a school of white people. In her book, she expressed that even when segregation had ended it did not feel like that. The reason is because of students, and teachers were with her and other peers of the same community. The treat of some teacher and the form of how tough make her thought she wanted to be another type of teacher. During her path on education, Bell Hooks faced struggles because racial discrimination when people were the school to become integrated. The motive is because even when the school were integrated some people continued to have old and closed minds, then they did not accept African-american and white people were the same. Then, because of their closed mind, unconsciously and other times intentionally they made racial …show more content…
One of the situations most exposed of the president Donald Trump was when he and his father were accused of commit racial discrimination because both were making a discrimination toward African-american in rental housing. In this case, people pointed out, that the Trumps were having preferences toward white people, since when an African-american asked about the rental housing, the workers were asked to denied open spots to them. The contrary, in the case of white people, when they came to ask about the rental housing, without hesitation they show them the open spots. In another occasion, Mr. Donald Trump was issued because of some words he said when he was running to the presidency of the United States. In this occasion he generalized all the Mexican as “criminals, drug leaders, and rapists.” (Kristof, para. 14) With this words he expressed, Mr. Trump was categorizing all people with these terms, and by this he can be interpreted as making racial discrimination toward the hispanic people. Additionally; another reason of Mr. trump of being involved in the issue of racial discrimination is because he had share