Comparison Of Bernie Sanders And T. V. Star

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The 2016 Presidential election has seen all political norms cast aside. Bernie Sanders, a far left self-proclaimed democratic socialist, and Donald Trump, a real-estate mogul and reality T.V. Star, have changed how elections will be conducted for the foreseeable future. Both candidates appeal to voters who are distraught with the Washington insiders’ inability to accomplish their goals. Trump, by the self-funding of his campaign, and Sanders, by his consistent denouncing of super PAC's, have fought to change corrupt election financing. "Feeling the Bern" has become the new trend among millennials who are enthusiastic about Sanders economic policies. Many new ideas have been brought to the forefront by the Sanders campaign: economic inequality, Wallstreet's greed, free college education, and Medicare for all. …show more content…

He has done this through passionate speeches that appeal to the anger and the desire of Americans to “make America great again". Like Sanders, Trump has also brought new ideas to the 2016 election. Trump has argued that too many free trade agreements are forcing American manufacturing companies to move abroad. He also talks of the massive trade deficits the United States has with Mexico and China. Trumps biggest policy change from GOP norms is his plan of building a wall across the southern border of the United States to further reduce illegal immigrations. Trump has time and time again said that illegal immigration is stealing American's jobs and allowing illicit drugs into the country. Americans have been looking for a scapegoat for their problems, and for that cause Trump has given them illegal