
Pros And Cons Of Greek Worship

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Greeks Worshipped Gods To worship Hades, you must hit the earth with your hands powerfully to be heard. There were many ways and aspects of how Greeks respected their gods. Greeks did whatever possible to make the gods happy in order for them to have the crops grown or to even avoid death. However, worshipping the god of agriculture only would cause you trouble since the other gods might get jealous and punish you. To avoid any punishments and to live a happy and healthy life, Greeks worshipped all the gods equally. Greeks built temples to thank a specific god and it also provided a provided an exciting place for them to visit. Greeks made living sacrifices to give back to the gods for what they’ve done. An easy simple way was to also pray at home. Temples were built all over the country since they had one for each god. A temple was only built for a specific god in order to avoid jealousy …show more content…

Greeks wanted to give back to the gods, and the only way possible was to give them the best things they had which were animals. The main reason why Greeks made “sacrifices” was to give up something you have for something else. Animals would include sheeps, pigs,and goats;however, many members felt it was guilty to kill an animal that had trusted them. It’s rare for Greeks to sacrifice humans, but it has been done to test the afterlife. Greeks had festivals to make sacrifices for the gods and everyone would attend. A tradition that once existed was to walk a piglet to the sea and bath the piglet to show their dedication. Afterwards, they would walk back and sacrifice the piglets. An example of a festival would be the Dionysia which was hosted to worship Dionysos. If a family member was sick or diagnosed with a disease, the head or any adult would host an event to sacrifice animals to cure the family member. Festivals were held to sacrifice animals in order to thank the gods or ask for a

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