Americans Honor Greek Gods

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Body Paragraph #1: The people of GADINS have one major god, but honor the minor gods just as much. The gods are Sensō( the god of war, weapons, and strength), Mir(the god of peace family, and friendship), and νερό( the god of water, weather, plants, harvesting, and food). The major god is called άτλας. Άτλας is good at everything, but he needs help from the minor gods, as for he is busy and can not do everything alone. The people must pray 3 times a day for the 3 sacrifices άτλας made. At festivals, the people celebrate their rituals, and the gods give them gifts of good weather, healthy animals, etc. One rule is that the citizens must have a resemblance of their god in their household (As well as the minor gods). Also, once a year the citizens …show more content…

For example, we have one major god and other minor gods, like Zeus and his family. We also have festivals like the Greeks, to honor our gods (Frey 321). For example, one holiday the people of GADINS celebrate is when they go on a journey across the whole civilization, out into the desert and wild. They suffer with pain and labor, and then celebrate the final creation of their world by being rewarded with sweets, clothes, etc. This holiday simulates the pain the God had to go through to create the world they live in. We also have temples, where people honor the gods (Frey 322). The children also learn stories about the gods in school, and what their life was like, like the Greeks( Frey 321). So, religion in GADINS is similar to the Greeks, but also has some of its own traditions. Our minor gods were created throughout Άτλας’s journey of forming the world. People in our civilization prayed to their gods every day, and once a year, they went on a long travel with rewards at the end. The Greeks; however, did not do this, or at least very often. Also, the citizens must have a resemblance of the gods in their household, to show their thanks. The Greeks, did not have this. Also, in GADINS people pray 3 times a day for the 3 sacrifices their god made. Priests talk to the god and summon power within people. Priests also go through a separate ritual every day. The priests must pray for the gods trust, and show their