Pros And Cons Of House Arrest

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You a family member or friend just committed a crime, and now they must spend a year in jail. Or do they? There is an alternative to doing time in jail. Such as suspended sentence, probation, fines, and community service. But in some cases theirs also the option of hose arrest. It is Assumed that being in house arrest s like being in orison and never allowed to leave your home but that’s not always the case. Depending on the judge yo can go and come from your job, school, appointments etc. But it needs to be approved by the judge also you do have a curfew that you need to follow when allowed these trips out of your home and you will be wearing a bracelet 24/7 in order for the police to track you, in order to tell if you are abiding by the law. …show more content…

Its cost the court system an estimated 20,000 year to jail an offender while house arrest will only cost them an estimated 6,000 not including the payment that need to be added by the offender. But House arrest does have a down see when you are in prison you have good time credits where if the inmate behaves they take time off the sentencing you don’t have that in house arrest but then again, you’re not locked up in a four-wall cell, 24/7 a day.
Second If you violate any of the rules or regulations of the house arrest you will be immediately jailed and serve the rest of you time in prison just like when you are out on parole. The national Institute of Justice states that the Gps, tracking of sex offender helps them from committing further crimes. The research conducted by the NIJ found that offenders with a tracking device where less likely to commit new crimes while offender that only received the traditional parole visits continue to commit crime which bring up the argument is the Gps tracking worth its