Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Prostitution

1575 Words7 Pages

To Legalize Prostitution or Not

The problematic issue of this topic is that despite being presented as a measure to control and or stop sex trafficking, legalizing/decriminalizing prostitution only creates a greater black market for sex traffickers. The current discurse is that on one hand, critics claim that victims of sexual trafficking are likely to be open report their traffickers when they realize prostitution is legal and makes it more likely that prostitutes will seek medical attention and violence against them (Alsgaard, 2011). On the other hand, those against legalizing prostitution say that they are no visible positive effects of prostitution as it does not benefit victims and only makes it hard for authorities to prosecute traffickers by making them legitimate business entrepreneurs (Holman, 2008). To examine this, this essay firstly looks at what laws are in the countries that trafficking victims often end up being sold, what decriminalizing prostitution means for brothel owners and traffickers. Furthermore, the article will also show if legalizing prostitution …show more content…

Legalizing prostitution puts children in danger of exploitation. In her article, Holman states that children and women are the most vulnerable to sex trafficking (Holman, 2008). She also writes that in the USA alone the number of victims of trafficking victims comes to circa 2 million when you add victims of domestic trafficking for either sex or forced labour. Children especially run away and or homeless children make easy targets for traffickers to exploit because they are less likely to be noticed as missing, especially those kids with records or running away from home. They are also easy to coerce, groom and threaten into doing exactly as they are told by adults. This and the fact that prostitution does not promote women’s health makes legalizing prostitution