Pros And Cons Of Lowering Drinking Age

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For many years, the legal drinking age has been a very controversial subject. The argument has been whether or not the drinking age should be 21. When it comes to this controversial subject, there's always an opinion, some may be for it and others may be against it. With that being said I am extremely against the legal drinking age of 21. There are many reasons as to why I feel the drinking age should be 18. Few reasons may be the fact that 18 year olds have the right to vote and enlist in the military but aren't responsible enough to consume alcohol. Another reason may be people under the age of 21 feel the need to drink more because of the fact that it is illegal, and also countries with a lower drinking age seem to have fewer alcohol related problems.

At the age of 18, you are considered an adult and are able to and buy many things when you turn that age. One being that you are able to enlist in the army and risk your life fighting for the country. You are at a higher risk of getting severely injured and possibly even dying when fighting in the military rather than consuming alcohol. One website in support of this says “An 18 year old in US has the right to vote, and serve in the military. If an 18 year old can make up their mind as to who the potential leader of the country should be and take a bullet for …show more content…

Anyone under 21 sees alcohol as a “forbidden fruit” which leads to more underaged drinking. If the drinking age were to be made 18 and older the interest for drinking wouldn’t be as high. College students who are not able to drink can still receive alcohol from the upperclassmen attending college. The younger college students are not able to drink at social events which then causes the desire to become a rebel and drink anyways. When they get the desire to become a rebel it causes them to drink excessively which then can result to