The Pros And Cons Of Lowering Drinking Age

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Should the legal minimum drinking age be lowered or stay the same? This question has been brought up for years. During 1969 majority of the states in the U. S had 21 as their legal drinking age. In 1975 the majority of states lowered the minimum legal drinking age to 18. In 1984 congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act which required all states to raise the purchase and drinking age to 21. I believe that the minimum drinking age of 21 should be lowered to 19. "The U.S. is one of only seven nations in the entire world with a drinking age of 21. Most Western democracies allow their citizens to fight in wars, vote in elections and drink alcohol at age 18. " (Cary) If at that age of 18, you can make the decision of fighting for our country and voting on who our president will be, you should be able to chose if you want to drink responsibly or not. Students in college don't want to get in trouble for drinking, so they become reckless. They do things such as "pregaming," which is binge drinking in private before going in public. If they are drinking in private and someone gets hurt, it's less likely someone is going to get help. Getting help may cause them to get arrested for underage drinking themselves. "Underage drinkers …show more content…

At age 19, typically they have a year of college under their belt. Along with lowering the minimum drinking age to 19, there should be laws that require bartenders to be more responsible on how much alcohol they serve to patrons. At 19 if they are allowed to drink legally they will stop drinking "behind closed doors" and be able to drink at a bar. If they started drinking at bars it could prevent a lot of things such as drinking too much because a bartender can stop serving you drinks. If someone got hurt at a bar a sober adult could call and get help, most bars may even call you a cab so you don't drink and