
Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age

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Should the legal drinking age be lowered back to eighteen years of age of age or do you believe it should stay? The topic of traffic accidents caused by drinkers especially newly legal drinkers will be brought up. I will then bring up the problems that alcohol being illegal to anyone who is under twenty one can bring to highschool and college students. Then I will talk about the reasons the drinking age was raised in the first place. I will later bring up what issues that are around now that could be stopped if we were to lower the drinking age back down to eighteen. Later I am going to talk about what else you can do when you become an adult at eighteen and why it does not make sense to leave out a population of adults. Then I will bring …show more content…

The USA could be making more money on tourism if they were to lower the drinking age back down to eighteen, because why would a large portion of young adults travel in their own country when they could travel and spend their limited funds in a country that has a much lower drinking age like most countries decide the USA and a few others have (Anderson). The restaurants and bars would receive greater funds, because many young adults would be able to come and drink, and there revenue would increase and the government would be able to receive a greater fund from each business (ProCon). Concert venues and Sports arenas would generate a larger profit off of their alcohol products which in favor would increase the government's profit from these events (ProCon). If we were too lower the drinking age back down to eighteen we would be able to get more young adults to concerts which would help not only the economy but the music business which in turn would also help the economy ( Anderson). All in all lowering the drinking age from twenty-one too eighteen would tremendously help the nation’s economy, but not only that it would help local businesses, sports arenas, concert venues, and restaurants and bars, which will raise their taxes and the government would receive a much greater fund from each business and overall the economy would be helped due to

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