Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age

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The Drinking Age is Set at 21 for a Reason Thousands of dollars in fines, court trials, serving time in jail, your driver’s license being revoked. All of these punishments are for minors who have possession of alcohol and they are there for a reason. The legal drinking age has been set to 21 for about twenty years and has not been changed since the 90’s. Recently the argument on whether or not the country should minimize the age when a person can consume alcohol has been reintroduced to our society. Some states are considering reducing the age at which a person can drink to 18 again. People are all over the idea that once you are 18, you can indulge in an alcoholic beverage. But, decreasing the age creates a whole new array of problems most people are not aware of. Drinking at a young age puts teens and other motorists at risk, so the legal drinking age should not be lowered to 18 to protect our nation’s youth. The legal drinking, 21, has not changed for many years now. About forty years ago, multiple states changed their drinking ages from 21 to 18. The effects started to show immediately and Mothers Against Drunk Driving caused the government to raise it back up to 21. The law has not budged …show more content…

Since their brains are not fully developed, the alcohol affects them a lot quicker than people who are over 21. “Because teens get drunk faster than adults, according to a MADD article, they have trouble knowing when to stop and are more likely to binge drink” (SIRS). Allowing alcohol to be available to people this young, can harm their bodies and puts other people at risk. At this stage of life, they are still maturing and that’s what causes them to not stop. As many people know teens are not the brightest and most mature humans out there, try adding alcohol into that. Altering this law would just lead to more devastating situations caused by irrational