Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Voting Age

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My thoughts on voting age

My thoughts on voting are simple.I think that the age should stay at 18,for many resions.We should not worry so much about the number of votes.But worry more about the quolity of them. People under the age of 18 dont only show lack of civic responsibility,But lack of interest in politics.So thay would not vote anyway.And if thay did vote it would not be an edgecated one,but influinced by other people and not on facts. The thought of lowering the voting age to16 is rediculos.At 16 thay are still in school,and living at home with ther parents.Most 16 year old kids dont drive or work at that age.I think voting would be a bad idea So i think we should just leave the voting age at 18.That would be best