Pros And Cons Of Misdemeanor Gambling

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Gambling does not have to involve money, it does however have to involve any form of betting an item with a value. While this isn’t illegal under certain circumstances this can be illegal. Gambling can be illegal if the chance of winning is very low so that only skilled experts can win the wager. It can also be illegal if whether there is a business or a social gathering in which entry fees are charged for profit. Now “social gambling” is not illegal if all parties are of equal skill in whatever the wager is, like a game of poker.


Penalties for Gambling can result in jail, prison, fines, or probation depending on the circumstances. If someone is convicted of misdemeanor gambling they can face up to a year in a county or jail. The state can enforce a max jail sentence for misdemeanor gambling like 20 days in jail. Fines for misdemeanor gambling are the most common and can go up to $1,000 or more. Felony gambling fines can be much more drastic like $20,000 or more. Fines can however be an addition to jail time. Probation can come along from gambling illegally and can last twelve months or more. (Theoharis) …show more content…

The jury in this case had found cause that all nine of them were involved in this operation and if five or more are people were to be in this operation it becomes a federal crime. They can face a max sentence for five years due to running an illegal gambling operation. (U.S. Attorney’s Office)


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