
Multicultural Education Essay

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As stated by McBrien and Brandt in The Language of Learning: A guide to Education Terms, “A multicultural education helps students to understand and relate to cultural, ethnic, and other diversity. Multicultural education should be a process to work together and to celebrate differences, not to be separated by them” (Leistyna, 2002). Because a multicultural education exposes students to cross cultural beliefs and practices, it works to make sure each individual will have a better understanding to respect different cultures, which in turn reduces negative prejudices and stereotypes (Levy, Rosenthal & Herrera-Alcazar, 2010). By teaching diverse traditions and perspectives, questioning stereotypes, and recognizing the contributions of all groups …show more content…

Multicultural education is about more than a classroom with varied skin color, it includes careful examination of the neighborhoods, parenting styles and general experiences that shape each and every K-12 student” (Lynch, 2015). According to Lynch (2015), there are six ways to embed a real multicultural education into the …show more content…

And after analyzing several scholarly articles, it is clear that all of the work does not fall on just the teachers alone. No matter how cliché the saying “it takes a village” may seem, it still stands as a stagnant reminder that it takes a team initiative. Each student should always have a team behind them that acts as their personal “pep-squad” that encourages them to be more, and to see more to become well diverse in a world that may not be accustomed to such global practices. As the next generation comes forward, these students will act as the muse needed to guide the further exploration of what it means to have “Global Awareness.” The Council for Professional Recognition (2015) states diversity and

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