Pros And Cons Of Obamacare

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Obamacare,(Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), was one of President Obama’s major contribution during office. Obama aimed to improve the affordability and accessibility of insurance throughout the U.S. The goal was to increase the number of insured citizens and expand public and private insurance companies. To achieve affordable and accessible healthcare, President Obama made new provisions in four categories which include, coverage expansion, insurance market reforms, taxes, and insurance exchanges.
Coverage provisions require uninsured individuals to buy insurance or else face a tax penalty. This will help the part of the community who are unable to afford the pricey health care costs. The federal government provides tax credits based on one’s income in relation to the poverty line by 4 times. While many state’s government expanded Medicaid coverage to people earning up to 133% of the poverty threshold. A new insurance market reform discusses the “medical cost ratio” requiring the insurance agencies to spend a minimum of 80% of premiums collected on patient care. However, if insurance payments result in less than 80%, a rebate must be provided. Effective in 2011, a total of $1.5 billion dollars was refunded. In addition, insurance companies can no longer cheat people out of coverage due to pre-existing …show more content…

An ideology is defined as a cohesive set of beliefs or values that forms a general philosophy about the proper role of government. Ideologies separate into four main categories in the U.S., but for this paper the focus is on liberalism and conservatism. Liberalism is a belief in using the government for economic regulation and redistribution but not for preserving traditional values. While conservatism beliefs are for governmental preservation of traditional values but not using it for economic regulation and

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