Pros And Cons Of Oversleeping

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10 Reasons Why Oversleeping is Bad for You

We're taught that getting eight hours of sleep each night is the healthy benchmark. As we grow older and face many responsibilities and worries, sleep becomes a luxury or an elusive necessity. Most of us are lucky enough to get at least five hours of sleep every night, while others can only take evening naps because they're on night duty. Regardless of our circumstance, we still need seven to nine hours of sleep, no more, no less.

Sleeping longer will never compensate for the past sleepless days we've had. If anything, oversleeping can be just as bad as, if not worse than, not sleeping enough. Just when you think under-sleeping is unhealthy, wait until you learn the risks of oversleeping.

10. Oversleeping …show more content…

Researchers at the University of Cambridge recently found that oversleepers have 46% more chance of experiencing stroke than moderate sleepers. They added that oversleeping may be a sign of impending stroke.

1. Oversleeping Increases Risk of Death

With all the above risks combined, there's great evidence that oversleeping is indeed bad for our health. And we all know that unhealthy habits increases the risk of disease and death. When we spend more time in bed, that leaves us with little time for physical activities and challenges. While sleep is an integral factor of staying healthy, getting too much of it is unhealthy and may even kill us. Indeed, sleep is the true rehearsal for death, and death just might become very real for those who oversleep.

Living in a fast-paced environment compels us to forego or cut short the much-needed rest. Those working night shifts have no choice but to catch up with their bed buddies only during the day. A daytime nap is pretty much the only rest they'll ever get. However, when we're sleep deprived, we tend to slumber longer than necessary in a desperate effort to make up for lost sleep