Pros And Cons Of Public Participation

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What is public participation. It is the deliberate process through which interested or affected citizens, civil society organisations and government actors are involved in policy making before a political decision is taken. It is the process through which stakeholders input and shares control over development initiatives decisions and resources and resources which affect them. it has been said to move beyond the traditional methods of public consultations by creating opportunities for the open exchange of ideas, transparency,mutual learning and informed and representative decision making. THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK Under the constitution People may exercise their sovereign power their sovereign powers directly or through their democratically elected representatives. The objects of devolution includes: to give power of self-governance to the people in the exercise of power in making decisions affecting them; recognise the right of …show more content…

Being a civil duty, involving the public in participation foster a sense of responsibility and promote democracy in the society. It makes citizen to better access legal process and they represent their issues to the government. Increase accountability: public participation seeks to ensure that the government is accountable and responsive to societal needs. Linking the public with the decision maker boosts public confidence and official are responsible for their actions. Improves the quality of the law: because of the comprehensive review and revision in preparation for public participation session the technical bench end up getting to identify most of the loopholes hence enhancing the quality. Public participation adds skills, concern and ideas. It also leads to solutions that might not have arisen was it not