Pros And Cons Of Reframe Parenthood

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Develop television and Internet programs that provide young adults (aged 18-24) with accurate depictions of the train wreck of unprepared parenthood. We can learn how to reach an audience with compelling messages from MTV’s successful 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom franchises. The research suggests that the impact of the shows is very real. They are credited with being responsible for almost 6 percent of the recent decline in our teen birth rates. Of course, what appeals to teens is not necessarily what appeals to young adults. But creative thinking can find ways of portraying young adults dealing with the overwhelming responsibility of raising a child. The Big Kahuna message? Becoming a parent-way-too-soon robs a young adult of the fun and freedom to enjoy what life has to offer. Reframe parenthood: Being …show more content…

Sadly, some mothers, especially teen and young adults living on the edge of the economy, may end up poor, no matter if their child was planned or not. It is also true that the family into which a child is born plays a powerful role in determining life opportunities. While some children win the lottery at birth, far too many don’t even have a ticket to compete--and many kids struggle to finish school and find living wage work for the rest of their lives. Studies are clear: growing up disadvantaged as a kid accounts for many of the problems people face as an adult. And becoming an unintended parent, at any age, is often an insurmountable barrier to securing a foothold in a tough-to-climb economic mountain. What follows are recommendations for actions that can work to strengthen our nation’s social safety nets so that economic setbacks won’t push families over the cliff. The goal here is to push for more humane federal and state assistance programs that work toward promoting stability and prosperity regardless of a household’s marital status and family