Ruby Family Case Study

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Ruby, a 71 year old great grandmother has taken great strides to provide a living for herself and her family. Married and divorced at the age of 30 from an alcoholic relationship, Ruby took her daughter and moved to the Bronx and never looked back. Ruby landed a job at the United States Postal service where she worked for the last 36 years. Ruby’s daughter rebelled as a teenager and give birth to her first daughter at the age of 21. By age 24 Ruby’s daughter had several warnings and arrest for drug possession and prostitution. Ruby explained that it broke her heart that her little girl was out there selling herself for drug money. In remembering her daughter’s actions, Ruby strongly stated the she was not gonna to have no ‘ho’ live in my house.” Ruby’s oldest granddaughter is married with 2 children. Ruby’s second granddaughter age 16 has been living with her for the past two years. Ruby also cares for her 89 year old father George who also lives in her home. Ruby provides financial support for her married granddaughter and her father’s prescription medications. …show more content…

Darlene Ruby’s daughter was influenced by the wrong crowd as a teenager that brought stress into the home and Ruby put her daughter out of the house at the age of 18. A family’s economic background and resources are strongly associated with the adult status of the families’ adult children. Youth from low income families will attend college at 34% compared to 83% of youth from high income families. With a greater income have more paths to choose from and may have more resources to negotiate the stressors associated with this development period (Hutchison, 2015). Ruby’s daughter Darlene began motherhood at the age of 21 to a daughter Tiffany. At the age of 24, Darlene adopted a drug and prostitute addiction. Darlene’s 16 year old second child Rebecca, has lived with Darlene for the past two