Pros And Cons Of Removing Confederate Statues

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There is an issue which has sparked some conflict which is based on the topic of whether or not Confederate Statues and Confederate symbols should be removed due to the background that they represent. Though they may represent history, the history that they represent is done in such a way which’ll show support for the Confederacy and honoring Confederate Soldiers. I believe that cities shouldn’t be allowed to rename locations and remove Confederate Statues because this would be very similar to removing history from our everyday life. One reason for why I believe that cities shouldn’t be allowed to remove Confederate symbols is because removing statues and renaming locations would put people at a high risk of forgetting about what’s happened …show more content…

In Newsela’s Confederate school name article, the author Jesse Holland rewrites a quote said by Solis which states that, “Changing a school’s name is not cheap. In Oklahoma City, Lora said, it could cost $50,000 or more to change the signs, letterhead, and other business supplies. (Holland-Paragraph 5) This evidence helps to support my reasoning because this shows how expensive that it’d be to remove and rename Confederate symbols and why it’d be easier and less expensive to keep symbols from history. Within the Newsela article about schools wanting to abandon Confederate relations and symbols titled “Public schools grappling with Confederate names, images” includes a quote on the expenses which are included in removing Confederate symbols which states in the article, “Instead, he said people should get creative. This can avoid costs. In Texas, for example, they could rename schools named after Robert E. Lee after golfer Lee Trevino. (Holland-Paragraph 22)The quote which I cited from the text helps to support my reason is because by changing the meaning of the school name, that at the same time changes the background and values that the alumni stand for. Though renaming may change the meaning and background of the school, the values that Alumni stand for may consist of Confederate values in support of the Confederacy which is also much less expensive. The thought of whether or not the Alumni may hold Confederate values can really only be determined by whether or not they were taught Confederate Ideology which is extremely unlikely plus trying to change the name would take a very long time to do for a cause which’ll remove important parts of