Openness And Globalization

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In the world wide system, social welfare can be thought of as a three-wheeled vehicle, in which the economic growth route represents one wheel, the poverty reduction route represents second wheel and the environmental sustainability route represent the other wheel. Essentially, in this vision the vehicle performs best when all of the three wheels are driving forward together, while progress can probably still be made when one wheel is out of action. But so long as this component is malfunctioning, progress will only be made in separate and often incompatible to other wheels. Thus, the danger for many LDCs is that the economic growth and poverty reduction route comes to be seen as the real forum for social welfare and respective government were …show more content…

And a number of studies have sought to isolate the independent effect of openness. Lucas, et al. (1992), study the toxic intensity implied by the composition of manufacturing output, and find that trade-distorting policies increase pollution in rapidly growing countries. Dean (2002) finds on net a beneficial effect of liberalization for a given level of income. Antweiler, Copeland and Taylor (2001) and Copeland and Taylor (2001, 2003, 2004) also conclude that the net effect of trade liberalization on SO2 concentrations was beneficial. None of these studies makes allowance for the problem that trade may be the result of other factors rather than the cause. Now the researcher updates the Frankel-Rose study, to include data more recent than 1990 and seek to explain the dependent variable with economic and non-economic factors through time series data methods of analysis in Ethiopia as a case study. Of the explanatory variables, the one that the researcher most interesting in estimating is, the environmental effect of trade and the econometric techniques allow me to control for the effects of income, institutional quality and population …show more content…

 Does openness to trade exploit countries comparative advantage through emission on the environment in Ethiopia under the time in consideration?  What will be the effect of per capital income, population density and the institutional qualities of country to the environment in