Arguments Against Surrogacy

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According to Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases: Surrogacy1: Surrogacy an armament in which a woman (“the carrying mother”) agrees to bear a child and to hand over the child on birth to another person or persons (“the commission parents”) the carrying may have been artificially inseminated with the sperm of the commission father or donates gemmates from the commissionating partners may be used to create an embryo that is a carried to term by her. In the later case, the carrying mother will be genetically unrelated to the child. Commercial Surrogacy2: Commercial Surrogacy is a form of surrogacy in which a gestational carrier is paid to carry a child to maturity in her womb and is usually resorted to by higher income infertile couples who can afford the cost involved or people who save or borrow in order to complete …show more content…

A skepticism fuelled by several controversial cases, such as the cases of Baby M and Baby Manji3 Although empirical studies on attitudes toward surrogacy are surprisingly scarce and the available evidence local or anecdotal to its nature. The existing studies seem to confirm the skeptical view. The majority of the various samples have negative or agnostic attitudes toward gestational surrogacy. In focusing on surveys on commercial surrogacy, an increase in negative attitudes is reasonable to expect . Among scholars, an equally strong resistance against surrogacy and in particular its commercial version is common. For instance, Rimm (2008-2009, p. 1443) notes the ”[…] strong critiques of the practice of surrogacy advanced by courts, legislatures, and legal scholars.” The harm argument covers a number of possible harms: Harm to the surrogate (physical, emotional, or financial), harm to the child, harm to the surrogate’s own children, and harm to society in general. However, the most pressing concern tends to be the postpartum social and psychological wellbeing of the child and the