
Pros And Cons Of Symbolic Interactionism

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When viewing the world with a sociological view, each person sees a different view. One may see a world in a conflict theory perspective, in a structural functionalism perspective, or a symbolic interactionism perspective. Each perspective gives the sociological view of how the earth runs and survives. With multiple perspectives of the world, those views are what cause one’s actions and stem their beliefs. Throughout the world, there are the three main perspectives of how one must live in which that many fight and choose to believe. With the different views surrounding each person, one must truly know what each one consists of before choosing which they believe in. The first perspective is conflict theory. The perspective of conflict theory is that there are a number of groups with whom fight and battle over resources and power (Larkin, 2015). That theory demonstrates all of the countries fighting in many wars only to gain their power and what they each …show more content…

For symbolic interactionism, a major setback is that it is very focused on the micro view rather than the macro view. The view bases itself more on the individual rather than the society. In essence, the perspective is more focused on the trees rather than the whole rainforest (Crossman, n.d.). While symbolic interactionism focuses more on the small picture, conflict theory bases everything upon war. The theory states that the society is based upon a few people benefiting from the destruction of many (Moffitt, n.d.). The theory is faulted in the way that the world is not simply based upon battle and fighting; for with battle and fighting, where does peace and friendship come in. Both perspectives have their faults and provide the reasons for the belief of structural functionalism being the most knowledgeable

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