Reference Checking Techniques To Consider Before A Telephone Interview

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(Hyde, 2012). Telephone interview can be used as a tool if speed is important and geographical distance is an issue for the candidate (Torrington, Hall, & Taylor, 2008). Telephone interview is widely used as a technique before pre-selection ofapplication for a face-to-face personal interview.
Reference Checking
It is also significant to check the reference list given in the Curriculum Vitae. The Factual fact and the charter facts comes to know regarding the applicant work experiences. As every this method has its own pros and cons. Bright Brothers used to call references before the interview begins with shortlisted applicants.
As per the recruitment and selection panel recommendations, final job offer appointment will be sent. …show more content…

Simply it is best because all employees get the chance to participate in the decision-making process of the company. This kind employee’s involvement in management level helps them to motivate at the work place. Whereas if the leadership style of person follows autocratic leadership, the chances of increasing dissatisfaction among employees is higher. Because such approach of leadership style, employees have no independence in taking decision, managers take all the decision. In case oflaissez-faire, there is confusion between two parties, management and employees due to no role played by the manager in the decision-making. Therefore, the best approach of leadership suitable for Bright Brother’s new supermarket outlet is democratic leadership.
Ways to motivate staff to achieve different objectives
There are various different motivational approaches for motivating employees towards organizational objectives. For examplesare Maslow’s need hierarchy theory, two factor theory, and X& Y theory. Bright Brother Pvt Ltdcan use Maslow`s need hierarchy theory to motivate employee to achieve its objective. Following ways are some ways to motivate employees of Bright Brother Pvt Ltd.
Reasonable payment and

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