Pros And Cons Of Terrorist Recruitment

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More Successful and Increased Reach Due to Advancement in Technology Recruitment for terrorist organizations is extremely important for them to be successful in achieving their goals. Without replenishing those who have been killed, incarcerated, or defected, without recruitment terrorist organizations would not last long. Over the years, terrorist recruitment has become more successful and the area of recruitment has expanded due to the advancement in technology. Terrorist organizations have adapted their message over the years to continue to motivate and entice people to either sympathize with their cause or to join the cause in one aspect or another. They have learned how to counteract cultural issues in different countries with the new technology, such as using video games as a recruitment tool to attract younger people. Today, we now have to worry about lone wolf terrorism because now people can just learn the ideology behind certain organizations and then commit terrorist acts without having any actual ties to the organization itself. This is only possible and successful because of the advancement in technology.
Advancement of Recruitment
Terrorists have been around for as long as time …show more content…

The game simulated military operations against Israeli soldiers that was based off of actual battles. The player could also have target practice using Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as the target. In just 4 months, over 10,000 copies had been sold. Hizballah stated the game was not for entertainment, but for training purposes. These types of games with their violent themes help lessen the act of killing and dehumanize victims. “The increasing popularity and sophistication of computer games is being utilized by extremist elements online to draw in potential new recruits, targeting primarily the youth demographic.” (Bowman-Grieve,

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