Pros And Cons Of The Affordable Care Act

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Everyone in their life will or has gotten hurt to the point of going to the hospital; when you get the crazy high bill it's either your job pays for your health insurance or you pay for your own health insurance. Which is very costly at times and which can get to the point that you can't afford to make the monthly bills.while people have attempted to decrease insurance costs, have to pay for insurance it still remains a thorny issue; efforts are the affordable care act and the Oregon health plan seek to bridge the insurance gap. The Oregon health plan was caused by the conditions that threatened the health. Namely the rising costs of medical care and the growth of numbers of people unable to afford health care. In the late 1980s, millions of Americans had no guarantee of medical insurance they also did not qualify for medicaid and was also not insured by 90% of employers, and couldn't afford individual coverage. 18% of Oregonians couldn't afford health insurance and more than 20% of children had no medical coverage. In 1994, OHP ( Oregon health plan) extended basic health care benefits to approximately 100,000 eligible people in addition to about 20,000 Oregonians who previously qualified for medicaid. OMIP( Oregon medical insurance pool) is a high risk pool of insurance for individuals who have been …show more content…

The american medical association indicates that insurance markets have become more concentrated over the last years. Then premium health insurance would decrease significantly. 2016 president Obama argued that increases in the premium charged by health insurance firms warranted action to increased competition in the industry causing the other health care providers to compete with each