Pros And Cons Of The Articles Of Confederation

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Behind ever great country there is a strong central government. To a country that just took its independence from an empire, there should be a document to allow a strong central government and rule of law. Powers should be divided equally among the branches of government. First, I summarize the main points of the Articles of Confederation. Then I will focus on the cons of the Article of Confederation and was it the right decision that America should have relied on this paper or should they have had a constitution? The Articles of Confederation was the first written constitution of the United States which was took place right after Declaration of Independence. Representatives from all thirteen states of America came together to write a paper called" The Article of Confederation of the United States of America." Every state had its own rights to have their own supreme power and to govern, limit to the rights of granted to Congress. All the thirteen states agreed to defend each other with having a good and prosper partnership. All the citizens of the states have the right to citizenship, and any citizen of any state does a crime but flees to other states must be …show more content…

For instance, they could not have any diplomacy, have an army or navy, talk peace or make union between states. However, they were allowed to levy taxes on their imports and exports as long as they do not interfere with foreign treaties. Every state had the right to have a national "militia" group for the defense of the state. During any national war that would threat the United States of America, legislature from all states had the right to appoint officers or colonel rank for the defense of the states. Congress had to pay all the expenses of war from the money which the state contributed the value of their lands. Congress is the last resort to solve any disputes, but has the limit right to hold trials for