
Pros And Cons Of The Articles Of Confederation

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The articles of confederation built the structure for what the United States calls the Government today.Before the constitution the Articles of Confederation played an extremely important factor in creating a unified country.The articles of conferation is an agreement between the 13 states it acted as a "firm league of friendship" for the states by providing an alliance.The Articles of Confederation proved the United States had a limited central government.This then led the founding fathers to agree that a new stronger constitution was necessary thus they ratified the constitution and addressed the need for a stronger central government. The purpose of the Articles of Confederation was to create a confederation of states where each state operated independently from the central government. ”The great and radical vice,in the construction of the existing confederation is the principle of legislation for states or governments in their corporate or …show more content…

Alexander Hamiliton stated “Seperation of powers in any case does anything to protect populations in democracies from tyranny”.The Articles of Confederation gave states more power than the national,central,federal government.This then bought the idea of federalism which divides powers between the federal government and the state government.The framers were scared to give the national government power which called for the separation of powers which gives each branch their own duties.Creating checks and balances to stop any branch from taking on full

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