
Pros And Cons Of The Atomic Bombs

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The dropping of the atomic bombs in World War II by the Americans on the Japanese city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a very important part of World War II. In fact the atomic bomb ended the war between America and Japan. But this was just one of the important events during World War II. The Bombing of Pearl Harbor, where the Japanese attacked U.S. soil and killed 2,403 people, was also a reason why the americans bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Some believe that the United States was right in the decision of dropping these bombs on Japan because of the attack on a U.S state while others believe that we should never have dropped the bombs. I personally believe that it was a good thing.
The atomic bomb not only saved american lives but saved japanese …show more content…

But this decision alone not only saved countless lives but also ended the second world war once in for all. Some people say that the U.S is in the wong for using a weapon of mass destruction. Those who disagree with my opinion will say that it was illegal, or that there were other options to be used, but both of these said claims are wrong. First off the use of the bomb wasn't illegal for the United States to use. Yes, for those in the League of Nations it was not only illegal to use a weapon of mass destruction, but also to target civilian populations but the United State was never a part of said league there for their rules do not apply to them. I already pointed out that a land invasion would of killed more people so another alternative method would of been a demonstration of the bomb or a warning to try to gain a surender. But if that is all the U.S would of done the japanese would of not backed down, because a demonstration or warning dose not show what the bomb can do a countrys civilian …show more content…

There is no way on this earth that I or anyone else could experience the pain of this weapon. As one victim states ¨The appearance of people was… well, they had skin blackened by burns… They had no hair because their hair was burned, and at a glance you couldn't tell whether you were looking at them from in the front or in the back… Many of them had died along the roads-I can still picture them in my mind-like walking ghost… They didn't look like people of this world.¨ A grocer stated. The pain that this person endured by seeing all this is indescribable but can be felt through his words. A protestant minister stated that ¨ The felling I had was that everyone was dead. The whole city was destroyed… I thought this was the end of Hiroshima of Japan of human kind… This was Gods judgment on man¨. These quotes do make me fell some sympathy but thats all just some. I don't belive they deserve more because what they are felling is the same that all the Americans trapped on board the USS Arizona and other ships did back in Pearl

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