Pros And Cons Of The Correctional System

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The Correctional System is a very controversial topic in today's era. Many people want to say that the correctional system is extremely difficult once a citizen transitions into a inmate and others just go along with the famous saying, “If you can’t do the time then don’t do the crime”(Unknown). The reason as to why people’s opinions are divided is because life after being incarcerated for a few years can be difficult due to the fact that although the inmates lives have been placed on hold for the period of time they are sentenced to jail or prison, the world keeps evolving without them. The question that everyone wants an answer for is, what is waiting for the inmates once they are released. Most inmates who have been in prison, have …show more content…

The worse part is that they also can't afford regular living, which then causes them to probably attempt to get money the easy way and that may include selling drugs, stealing, etc, these things all lead back to incarceration (Seigle and Bartollas, 2016). They will end up thinking that being incarcerated all the time, being told when to eat, when to shower, what to wear, when to go outside, is a norm and that is a disorderly way of thinking. This dilemma is mainly a ripple of a cause and effect of not being able to get hired anywhere (Oleinik,2013). These individuals probably do want to become a better person, they want to make better life choices but not receiving any phone calls from any of the places they have submitted a application to causes them to feel like they will never be able to get out of the system. Then that causes depression, depression is defined by Merriam webster as a mood disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies(2017). Depression then leads to suicide, they consider all their options in how to make it out of their problems and the only one that makes sense and can fulfill their debts is taking their own lives. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated that in 2011, more than 9,000 older adults died by committing suicide (Greene and hyde,2014). Having some drastic changes in ones life can cause multiple emotional changes and it just might be too much for the mind to adapt to, specially if the individual is trying to transition back to civilization (Seigle and Bartollas,