The Pros And Cons Of Being Incarcerated

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Once the inmate is done being booked, you get a cell roomate. Newcomers get the the top bunk, while the inmate that was already in the cell, rolls down to the bottom. Your age doesn’t matter and if you take any medications, you do what you have to do to receive them. Most of the time, the medications are offered to you when you are released to eat twice a day or how ever many times a day you need to take those medications. If you have have medical problems, do what you have have to do to maintain a healthy, stable life while incarcerated. Guards have zero sympathy for any inmate incarcerated. The beds aren’t very wide, so the inmates have taught themselves to sleep like a mummy and not move in their sleep. Odds are if they move, they’d roll off the bed. The mattresses are four inches thick, which is like …show more content…

T.V makes prison look like a scary place where a lot of bad things can happen, which they absolutely can happen, but chances are none of it will happen. Inmates don’t swear at officers or guards, or at each other. The prisoners get as much freedom as they can handle on the inside. While incarcerated, there is a type of ‘pecking order’. It's kind of like wealthy and poor, just without the money. It’s where pedofiles are trashed on and the murderers are worshiped. Inmates have a lot of respect for murderers, because while inside that is probably the most violent crime committed. While, pedofiles are bashed and treashed on. Inmates could possibly attack the pedofiles and seriously hurt them, or be rude to them and bully them when the guards aren’t paying attention. They’re like a highschool bully times ten. Even when something bad happens, or there is drug smuggling, the inmates never snitch on each other, because the inmates will find out who did what and they will take justice into their own hands for that cause. Inmates grown and mature while inside, and they try to break old