
Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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“(Insert Name) you are hereby sentenced to death by lethal injection to take place at such and such facility.” This is one of the worst things you could hear come out of the judges mouth when being convicted. The death penalty is a very controversial topic throughout America and for good reason. There are a lot of good points you could make on either side of this topic. The death penalty or capital punishment is a form of punishment set forth by the government. The government has picked certain crimes and if someone commits these crimes or does something that they see fits their standards they are sentenced to death. Their are different forms of the death penalty in the different states, some states such as Alabama,have death by electrocution. …show more content…

When carrying out the death penalty process it cost the taxpayers and the state a lot of money. This is think is unfair because the taxpayers should not have to put forth so much money just because someone is on death row. On average the total amount that the Oregon taxpayers pay is 2.3 million a year. (“Cost of Death Penalty para. 1”) That is only for one single state in the US there are other states that the price is more. For instance california has a total of 714 inmates on death row. One single inmate can cost anywhere from $470,000 just in court cases then if they appeal many more times it can even reach 1 million it total cost for one inmate. This is why I think price is one of the main point in why the death penalty should be abolished. I don’t think that taxpayers should have to pay outrageous amounts of money because a person committed a certain …show more content…

There have been many instances where the execution has been botched. Botches means that it has gone wrong or did not work, this means that the inmate is under very large amounts of stress or pain. For Instance, a man in Ohio was being executed by lethal injection, the chemicals that the prison workers had administered to the man did not work. He then struggled in lots of pain for more than 20 minutes this is because the chemicals that the prison is administrating are not approved by pharmacies. Even some of the chemicals that are use for these lethal injections are not legal to give to animals when they are euthanized because they are said to be to inhumane. ( Marc Hyden para 8)
Another instance that this had happened is when a man named Clayton Lockett from Oklahoma his injection procedure had been botched. He was given his injection and he did not die, and after 10 minutes of struggling with the pain his death sentences was eventually postponed. Lethal injection is not the only form of execution that have these instances, more than 3 percent of execution were botched. This is why executions are inhumane and are against the constitution for being a form of cruel and unusual

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