Pros And Cons Of The First Amendment

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The first amendment guarantees five basic freedoms to the American citizens. These freedoms are of speech, press, petition, assembly and religion. As all the amendments, the first amendment is intended for use in situations with the government. The first amendment was written by James Madison and was sent to the states to be ratified on September 25, 1789 along with the twelve proposals for the bill of rights.. Then it was officially adopted on December 15, 1791.

Freedom of speech allows Americans say what they would like to say without getting in trouble. There are a few exceptions such as no slander, threats, national security and some pornography. This means you can’t go around hurting people’s reputations and life with lies. You also are not allowed to give threats and share government secrets. Say if you had been in the Federal Bureau of Investigation and then you left your job, you still cannot tell the secrets of the government for the reason of national security.

There are some interesting facts on freedom of speech such as in 1948 the UN had recognized free speech as a right to human. This is stated in the International Declaration of Human Rights. Also, seventy percent of Americans think people should speak freely, even if their words …show more content…

Wenk. There were some veterans who went to Kings Mall and were petitioning because they were not happy with the involvement that the United States had in the Iraq war. The mall then sued the veterans for trespassing and brought them to court. The Appellate Division had ruled in favor for the plaintiff, Kings Mall. The State Supreme Court was said to be wrong for limiting the defendant’s freedom of speech and petition, but they said that the Supreme Court could limit speech more than “necessary to serve a significant government interest.” This case clashes with freedom of speech, but it is also about freedom to