
Pros And Cons Of The GI Bill For Disabled Veterans

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On June 22, 1944, the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 was passed. Most commonly known today as the GI Bill, it was made to provide the millions of veterans with education, financial support, and a job to help them get back on their feet. However, the Bill was faced with resistance from some people, for several reasons: some people believed it would only provide benefits for veterans with certain qualities and skills, only a small percentage of veterans would take advantage of going back to school, the disabled veterans should have first priority, it did not help widowers, will take away jobs from hard working citizens for veterans, and it was biased towards race, gender, and class. All these things caused resistance against the GI Bill and could have lead to disastrous results of it being vetoed. One main objection to the GI Bill, was that some people …show more content…

With the ratification of the GI Bill, the prospect of women in higher education grew dark. Veterans were given the top priority, and coeducational schools accepted less females as soon as the war ended. Male veterans and other males in general were accepted first so, women had a smaller chance of being accepted. While half of male WWII veterans used Title II, higher education and sub college training, just 40% of females signed up for it. They were also far less likely than men to get a degree. This was because two provisions of the GI Bill put women at a clear disadvantage. Female veterans did not receive a living allowance for a reliant spouse while they were in school and the nine-year limitation on GI Bill benefits. These were great challenges for women. The nine-year limitation made it impossible for most women to attend school because they were expected to raise their children and/or work instead of going to school. Providing child care credits and faculty to female student-veterans, was not even contemplated (Altschuler and

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