Pros And Cons Of The Second Amendment

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The Second Amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed (US Const. Amend. II, sec. 8). This amendment was written by the founding fathers in order to keep the freedom of the people in their own hands. If the government were to become too powerful and control the people as a dictatorship, the people would need to be able to defend themselves against any possible situation. Situations entailing a full on invasion from another country to the point where the government tried to enact violent change on its people. The second amendment is a peaceful amendment, nowhere does it say it is acceptable to kill someone, but when acted first, upon …show more content…

Many citizens believe that the Constitution is outdated and needs to be rewritten to better fit the customs of today. However, others believe that the Constitution was written to be able to fit the customs of any person that call themself american. This was one factor that the founding fathers had in mind when creating the Constitution along with each amendment afterward. There is no need for an update, because the muskets of that time are the AR-15s of today. Nothing has changed except for advances in technology along with increasing population. This leads to more people, and then can lead to larger cases of mental illness and the like. More people equals more cases, end of discussion, therefore the misuse of firearms increases along with …show more content…

The United States needs to stay true to the constitution and itself by changing the minds of the people along with the times just as the interpretation of the words from the constitution have changed through the years. The people of the country think that assault weapons are not included in the second amendment, others think all guns should be illegal. Neither of these are correct. A gun is to be taken care of, respected. It is not a toy and kids should definitely not be able to get a hold of them, and parents should teach children to respect the power of the firearm and make sure they know how to be safe around them. This is the first step to safety in the future. The next step is for the United States to take care of the mentally ill before something like a shooting happens. If an individual shows any signs, they need to see a doctor for