Why Gun Control Is Important

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Amendment two in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights grant the people or citizens of the United States of America the freedom to own guns and the guns cannot be taken away. In December, 1791, Amendment two was ratified and granted citizens freedom by being able to keep and bear Arms (Brooks, The Second Amendment & the Right to Bear Arms). Amendment two is important to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights because the give citizens the right to keep and bear Arms, allows citizens to become safer, and the Amendment helps citizens protect their families and relatives incase of emergencies without being forced to give up their guns. Gun Rights are a reason why Amendment two is important to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The gun …show more content…

People can use guns to help protect themselves and can feel a little bit more safer with a gun with them incase something terrible happens or they need to defend themselves for a probable cause, not for no reason. People can use these weapons to defend themselves. They can feel safer and can protect themselves from people who wish to harm them. There are crazy people in the world who will do anything to harm people, and if one doesn’t protect oneself well the outcome could be unfortunate. Safety might not increase because everyone will probably have guns. People might start little battles while exchanging fire on one another. The things is, if you are so worried about being shot at by some other person, then why not train yourself or ask for assistance to train to know how to use a gun correctly and know how to aim because it could be a major benefit. If one is going to complain that no one except the army should be aloud to have guns then you're crazy. If one doesn’t want a gun then don't get one, but don’t start rioting and doing ridiculous things over something one wants. Don’t take away someone else's right to own a gun just because one doesn't want one. Rioting and doing the most ridiculous things doesn't make any sense. It’s not making anything better by rioting. It's like acting like you're still a little kid and you want everything your way. Just because you lose for example the election. You don’t have to go crazy and riot like little kids throwing fits over an election. It makes no sense, and to see the people you look up to and adults acting like 2 year olds isn’t very pleasing to