
Pros And Cons Of Traffic Cameras For The Greater Good

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Jacob Finley Compositon II McDermott October 22nd, 2014 Traffic Cameras for the Greater Good Red light cameras first came onto the scene in 1993 in New York City. Since then red light cameras have been welcomed and rejected in other states. No matter what happens in this day in age of technology reaching extreme measures, there will always be new developments to help get jobs done easier and more efficiently. With technology booming cities all across the country are starting to see more and more Red light cameras as well as speed cameras. The questions soon arise “Do red light traffic cameras help reduce car accidents? “ “Are speed cameras an invasion of privacy?” There will always be two sides, as there seems to be with most topics in today’s world. People will say, “ No”, “Maybe”, “Yes” but in all honesty you are going to have to research multiple studies before making an answer you can trust. In my opinion, yes, traffic cameras do lower the accident rate while providing safety …show more content…

It is not hard to notice if a stoplight has traffic cameras even if you are 50-100 feet from the light itself. I don’t know about you but whenever I see a stoplight I always check at first glance to see if it has a traffic camera. Why? Fines. Nobody likes to take money out of his or her own pocket to pay a hefty fine. Odds are if a light without traffic cameras turns yellow there is a good chance that an average day to day driver will speed up to make the light in order to avoid being a few minutes late or just for thrills. If that same situation were to occur yet only the stoplight did indeed have traffic cameras the average driver will slow down and take the stoplight more seriously. This does not only keep the driver from being ticketed, it also keeps them safe, as well as the community of cars and citizens that surround the

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