Essay On Virtual Lonesome Disorder

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Virtual Lonesome Disorder Only you can help stop virtual lonesome disorder. Millions of people suffer from VLD (Virtual lonesome disorder). Which is a disorder that isolates people that are addicted to the Internet. Unfortunately in our modernized world today; technological devices have become an essential part of our lives and have made global communication possible. As it connects us to people around the world, it fills up the gap between us and our loved ones who are far away from us But Technology has not increased the quality of communication as many people are quick to believe; rather, it has caused it to decline. Technology makes us feel lonely, it destroys relationships, and it’s addictive. People created technological devices such …show more content…

We get a different view of people if we only meet them online instead of meeting them personally. For instance, if we meet people online, we become comfortable communicating to them in that manner. When we finally get to meet them in person we often become uncomfortable and a bit disappointed. We are so used to talking to people through online chatting and texting that it is impossible to be the same person you are online while talking to them eye to eye. “Our online friends don’t give us the feelings as friends we have seen and know personally”(Forbes. Forbes Magazine). This is why friendships made through the Internet are weak and easily breakable. We as humans need face-to-face contact to truly understand and bond with someone; without it, we feel lonely, knowing they are not truly the person we think they are. Therefore technology isolates us from human contact and eventually, we will become lonely. The result of loneliness is being gullible and putting too much trust in someone, or being isolated and feeling trust towards no one. This proves that technology is a huge disadvantage for social matters and making