Pros And Cons Of Whaling

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Whaling by Japanese has been an issue against protection of all whale species. There was the agreement uphold for the protection of whale from "overhunting." It is The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW) and signed in 1946. The purpose is to "provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus, make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry".(1) Among fifteen nations agreed taking effect in November 1948. Durig the progress, Main objective of the agreement is to protect whale species from "over" hunting with rules for the whale fisheries such as Mexican, Japanese, and Norwegian to ensure proper conservation, development, and optimum utilization of whale resources. As to the agreement, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) was established under this convention. They are …show more content…

The early Japanese thought whales as deities of the sea, and it is useful for corralling fish. There were Whale Shrines to worship the whales they hunted as gods. As I said, components of cultures are value, religion, and cuisine. Whaling is a religion, cuisine and valuable to Japanese. We cannot say your culture is wrong.
2. Do you think the whaling ban constitutes a violation of these nations' sovereignty?
The purpose of the whaling ban is clear that "provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus, make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry."(1) It is not to ban cultural or personal preferences. For the greatest good, for the greatest number, the intergovernmental organization can protect the environment if individual countries cannot do that. So the whaling ban is not the violation of Japanese' sovereignty.
3. How should these kinds of questions about cultural exemptions be settled? Should an international panel (such as a committee at the WTO) be asked to weigh the validity of such claims? Who should serve on such a