Lottery! It can turn into a life changer for some people, but nothing more than addiction for the others. When people hear about lottery, they get so attracted and encouraged to give it a try, because if they win by any chance, the reward can simply change their life. When we hear about big reward with little or no effort, we never miss the chance to give it a shot. Lottery has been there since long time. Although many people got benefited from it by winning it, majority of the people ended up with nothing at all. Nevertheless, the good side of lottery is that if someone wins it, they can invest the reward in many ways, such as to build a business, to pay for college, to buy a house or car, etc. However, the only disadvantage of lottery is the addiction. If someone don’t win a lottery, they think they will win next time and keeps on going for it until they win something, which turns into a huge addiction. People who are addicted to lotteries are the people who don’t usually win …show more content…
By getting addicted to it, people can end up losing work, prestige, value, family members, and all the necessary things needed for a good life. Other than that, becoming an addict to something is a very bad thing anyway, regardless of how good or bad it is. People who became addicted to lottery has given up on many things which they could have done if they weren’t addicted. For example, my friend spends so much money on lotteries, which he could have spent on many other things to make his life a little better. When you are playing lottery, you are actually being lazy and inactive. By playing lottery, people expect to change the life in a min just by winning a big reward, which doesn’t really work how it seems from a single view perspective. People always see the good side of the lottery and neglect the bad side, which leads them to a darker