Prosthetic Limbs

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This essay will seek to establish that in the near future there could be a massive improvement in the benefits of the convergence of computing and neuroscience but how close are we to it actually being a reality? How close are the possible advancements in how it can be applied to benefit people with medical issues? And are they going to be readily made available to the people who need them or will there be economical restraints for people with less money. Computing and neuroscience are constantly making breakthroughs, now when they are being applied and modelled on each other the potential benefits are ever growing. A small number of applications are; amputees and people who suffer from amputations are now able to operate robotic limbs using …show more content… (2013). Prosthetic limbs have made huge leaps forward within the last 10 years, so to expect another massive improvement within the next 10 years is not unfeasible. With people who are currently using prosthetic limbs today there is forever advancements week after week and they will keep on advancing in the near and distant future. It would never have been a possible reality for people using prosthetic limbs to even contemplate being able to have the sense of touch in a prosthetic arm but now after a large investment from DARPA they have been looking into providing amputees with the sense of touch that they have been missing since losing their arm. The Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is an agency which is a part of the U.S department of defence who deal with the development of advanced technology for use by the military. Elizabeth Howell (2015). DARPA initially invested $18.1 Million into the research project and have invested another $7 Million into the project and there has been roughly nearly $100 Million invested overall. Erico Guizzo (2014). Jeff Stone (2015). With this