
Provide 3 Examples Of How Supercomputers Are Used Today

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1. Where is the world's fastest supercomputer? Provide a brief paragraph describing its background.
a. The world’s fastest supercomputer is in china.
b. The name of the supercomputer is LINPACK Benchmark. The LINPACK Benchmark was introduced by Jack Dongarra. The supercomputer runs a program that solves dense linear equations. As time went by the Benchmark changed a bit, there are three benchmarks in the supercomputer.
Sources: Dongarra, Jack. Frequent Asked Questions on the LINPACK Benchmark, www.netlib.org/utk/people/JackDongarra/faq-linpack.html#_Toc27885711.
“The Linpack Benchmark.” The Linpack Benchmark | TOP500 Supercomputer Sites, www.top500.org/project/linpack/.

2. Provide 3 examples of how supercomputers are used today.
a. One

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