
The Pros And Cons Of The Atomic Bomb Over North Carolina

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North Carolina was nearly bombed by the US military in 1961. Atomic bombs were accidentally dropped over North Carolina and one push of a button could have put an end to our great nation. Over the years this incident was kept a secret from the citizens of America. Although the bomb was thankfully not detonated, the risks that were taken was just a accident waiting to happen. The first bomb was successfully tested in 1945. It was created in the Los Alamos laboratory by J. Robert Oppenheimer. The atomic bomb is terrifyingly accessed in India, Pakistan, Israel, North Korea, France, China, Russia, and Great Britain. The atomic bomb is a disgrace to the inventions of the world and should have never been created because it has brought fear and hatred into our country. The slightest accident could be mean more lives lost. …show more content…

In the article “US Nearly Detonated Atomic Bomb over North Carolina” by Ed Pilkington, it reported that bombs are extremely unsafe for our country and should not be used under any circumstances. “Had the device been detonated, lethal fallout could have been deposited over Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and as far north as New York City-putting millions of lives at risk”(Pilkington 3). In my mind, as a United States citizen, this could have been the most tragic event to have to remember and fear throughout my life. When accidents like this happen it brings fear and loses hope. I completely agree with the author of, “Arguments Against the Bomb”, Michael Barnes that bombs should not have ever been invented because bombs are now used for more than just a defense in

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