The Pros And Cons Of The Atomic Bomb

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Atomic Bomb DBQ - Ben Fernandez Imagine waking up and getting ready for the day. Go walking on the way to work and a plane goes overhead. Looking up and see a small thing attached to a parachute get dropped from the plane. All the sudden the sky erupted in flames. Having just enough time to jump into a ditch before the loudest sound anyone will ever hear happened. The shock wave consumes the land. Spun around a bunch more and then land in a potato patch knocked out. woken up and everything is black. There is so much ash in the air nothing can be seen. Then met by scorching pain. Arms are badly burned and all that can be heard is ringing. Struggling to get up and once it happens looking around to see all the rubble and destroyed buildings. …show more content…

It is Japan, early morning, August 6th 1945. Japan has just been bombed by America. After evaluating whether or not dropping the bomb was right or wrong, it is obvious that the U.S. destroyed Japan out of malicious intent and anger toward the Japanese, but this gave America no right to drop the bomb on innocent civilians. America had also destroyed big parts of their industry and economy with their incendiary bombs, but Japan refused to surrender or show any sign of weakness. Many experts have argued that dropping the bomb was unethical and wrong. They think this because America had already destroyed Japan's economy and they were on the verge of collapse. President Truman was the one who ordered these two bombs to be launched on Japan. William Leahy was president Truman’s chief of staff at the time and was there when Truman ordered the bombs to be dropped. Leahy says in his memoirs “It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender” (Leahy 4). He saw all the things that President Truman ordered his troops to carry out. He knew the state that Japan was in when the bombs were dropped and how their economy was doing before they were bombed. He knew how Japan was doing as a

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