1945 Dbq Essay

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The doubts about the U.S. decision in 1945 have been discussed, analyzed, and there are still many controversies. In August 1945, the U.S. decided to use both of its two atomic bombs on Japan to end the war between them during WWII. The atomic bomb has killed about 200,000 people in the Japanese community and brought destruction to the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Even though the bomb had terminated the war by Japan surrendering, there were many who were against the action of using the bomb. The reason behind that perspective is that many innocent people have died, and Japan was near surrendering, so there was no need for a major event. In contrast, some say that it was significant to finish the war and save the soldiers. Some claim that …show more content…

From these people's perspective, using the atomic bombs was a wise choice since it has protected many lives, families, and values. As Document 7 stated, a part of the population believed that there wouldn't have been an end to the war against Japan without the use of the atomic bombs, as the Japanese were persistent and would strive to win. According to Document 7, it states, “The Japanese refused to surrender,, fighting to almost the last man in every battle, committing mass suicide on Saipan, and unleashing suicide attacks at Okinawa.” This demonstrates that without the atomic bomb, there would’ve been more deaths on both sides as the war would’ve been dragged even further. Another reason why some were convinced that the atomic bomb was the right choice was because the Japanese were not …show more content…

The idea of the bomb being way too much regarding the situation was portrayed in Document 2, as it emphasized that Japan was at a disadvantage, so using the atomic bomb wasn’t important but rather harmful as it killed many without a reason. According to the document, it states, “The use of this barbaric weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a waste and did NOT assist our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender. . . .” This indicates that the bomb was useless to the war, as it didn’t contribute much to it but instead caused innocent people's deaths. Another reason why there were many against the bomb is that it was too cruel, and no matter what the action of dropping the bomb was, it broke many human rights. In document 4, it says, “This is a crime against God and humanity which strikes at the very basis of moral existence. “ This demonstrates that the use of the bomb has gone against the basic rules of life, as it was too inhumane. As the war has already ended, the controversies surrounding the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki still