Provide The Six Basic Guidelines To Help Corporate Employees Judge Their Actions

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The George S. May International Company provided the six basic guidelines to help corporate employees judge their actions (Miller, 2014). Without these guidelines an employee would be left to judge themselves with no standards. One individual’s interpretation of what is ethical may be different from another individuals. This would cause chaos in the corporate environment. The first guideline is The Law. Is the action you are considering legal (Miller, 2014)? Every company has different standards in place, but all of these standards follow the same set of laws. John D. Beckett had to consider the law when he took the two employees with the dispute and placed them in the room (Beckett, 2014). If he would have placed them in the room and they …show more content…

This is how you personally feel about what you have done, or what you are about to do (Miller 2014). Beckett had to deal with his conscience when his company received all the attention from ABC (Beckett, 2006). He was able to get in front of the cameras and talk about the actions that he and the company had taken. He done this with a clear conscience knowing he had done nothing wrong. In fact he had done the complete opposite. He had transformed his entire company to be a faith based company. Our company policy would lead you to have a clear conscience if you follow what is stated. Most of the employees do follow these, however with such a big company and what seems to be a small governing body individuals seem to stray from this. They put their conscience aside to better production. We have employees that feel strongly that if it were to come down to safety and production, production would prevail. I personally do not feel this is completely accurate. We may do some quick work arounds to keep production moving and fix the problem on the down shift. We do not totally disregard our workers safety …show more content…

Heroes are the role models you have, and the standards in which you compare yourself to (Miller 2014). Beckett had a two heroes. The first hero he talks about is his father. He compares a lot of what he does, and what he does it to his father. His second hero, and the one he has molded the company around is God. Our company tries to eliminate heroes. They want all employees to be equal. However I think we all have that one person we compare ourselves to. My hero is not anyone I work with. My hero is a special individual who wasn’t afraid of anything. He never backed down from a challenge, and in the end he done everything morally right not hurting anyone for personal

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